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Pinterest, Inc., a social media network and mobile application company, operates a software system designed to discover information on the World Wide Web primarily using images and smaller gifs and videos. The site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan sharp. As of October 2018, pinterest had 250 million monthly active users.
Ben Silbermann, pinterest's chief executive, summed up the company as a "directory of ideas" that could inspire users to "go out and do that," rather than image-based social networks.
Pinterest was developed in December 2009 and launched as a closed beta in March 2010. The site continues to run as an invite only open beta. Pinterest allows users to save images and classify them on different boards. If they have similar tastes, they can focus on the boards of other users. Pinterest's development is based on the common interests of its users and relies on its members to produce content. As of March 2012, the most popular categories were housing, handicrafts, style / fashion and food. Silberman said he wrote to the site's top 5000 users in person, provided his personal phone number and even met with some of the site's users.
Silbermann and some programmers ran the site in a small apartment until the summer of 2011. In early 2010, Ben Silbermann, an investor and co-founder of the company, tried to encourage a New York based magazine publishing company to buy pinterest, but the publisher declined to meet the founder.
Nine months after its launch, the site has 10000 users. The iPhone app was launched in early March 2011, bringing in more downloads than expected. The application will then be updated in March 2013. The pinterest iPad app was launched in August 2011. Pinterest mobile, launched next month, is a web version for non iPhone users.
On August 10, 2011, Time magazine listed pinterest as the "50 best websites in 2011". According to Hitwise, the site became one of the top 10 social networking services in December 2011, with a total of 11 million visits per week. Next month, it attracts more retail referrals than LinkedIn, youtube and Google +. In the same month, techcrunch named the company as the best start-up in 2011. Famous entrepreneurs and investors include: Jack Abraham, Michael birch, Scott Belsky, Brian Cohen, Shana Fischer, Ron Conway, firstmark capital, Kevin Hartz, Jeremy stopperman, Hank Vergil and Fritz lanman.
Initially, there were several ways to sign up for a new pinterest account. Potential users can receive invitations from registered friends or directly from pinterest, which may take some time to receive. You can also create and access accounts by linking pinterest to Facebook or twitter profiles. When users republish or re pin images to their boards, they have the option to notify their Facebook and twitter followers. You can manage this feature on the settings page.
Pinterest is a free website that requires registration to use. Users can upload, save, classify, and manage images (called pushpins) and other media content (such as video) through a collection called a docking pad.
The content can also be found outside pinterest, and similarly uploaded to the board through the "pin it" button, which can be downloaded to the bookmark bar on the web browser, or implemented directly on the website by the website administrator.
Some sites include red and white "fix" buttons on projects that allow pinterest users to fix them directly. In 2015, pinterest implemented a feature that allows users to search using images rather than words.
You must register to use.
Like Facebook and twitter, pinterest now allows marketers to access data collected on their users. At present, only[ Salesforce.com ]Technology providers such as Hootsuite, spredfast, percolate, piqora, curalate and tailwind are authorized to access data. By granting access to user data, pinterest enables marketers to investigate people's reactions to products. If the product has a high quantity, this usually tells the producer of the product that many members of the pinterest community like it very much. Pinterest now allows marketers to access data, and companies can view user reviews of products to see how people like or dislike them. In 2013, a study on pinterest behavior found that "fixed" is the most popular operation for users, followed by "like" and finally comments. according to Salesforce.com Pinterest has become a key part of the company's digital marketing strategy.
Pinterest accounted for only 2% of global social media sales before 2013, but by may 2014, it was as high as 23%. People use social media sites like pinterest to guide or guide their choice of products. A study in October 2016 found that 60% of pinterest users were women. Many businesses use pinterest analytics to investigate whether the time spent on social networking sites actually produces results. By visiting pinterest analytics, companies can gain insight into data through the API, which makes it easier for enterprises using this approach to interact closely with the consumer community on pinterest.
Pinterest analytics is very similar to Google Analytics. It is a service created to generate comprehensive statistics on traffic to specific websites that marketers typically use. Fixed, fixed, re fixed and fixed are some aspects of user data provided by pinterest analytics. It also collects data that describes the percentage change over a specific period of time to determine whether a product becomes more popular or less popular on a specific day of the week. These data can help marketers change their strategies for greater visibility and often change visual content to appeal to the pinterest community. The "most hits" tab in pinterest analytics shows products that are more likely to be sold. In April 2012, pinterest drove more e-commerce sales from social media than Facebook or twitter, according to a study by converto.
Companies can also add their own creative features to explore consumer reactions to products, such as pinterest trend product piqora. Piqora is a visual analytics and marketing provider for specific visual social networks, including Tumblr, instagram and pinterest. Marketers use piqora's pinterest trend to analyze brand performance against pinterest competitors.
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